Dog Obedience Problems

Dog Obedience Problems4 Particularly Common Behavior Problems Your Dog Could Experience and How to Help Them Overcome Them

All canine owners must teach their dogs obedience, mainly to avoid any unwanted behavioral problems. It can be impossible to do at times, though for several reasons, as dogs may:

• Have an overabundance of energy

• Not get enough exercise

• Be trying to assert alpha dog status

• Never been given boundaries before

Whatever the reason, you must get your canine friend to obey your commands and stop their negative behavior. Bear in mind that most dogs are good-natured, and they can learn how to behave. All you need to do in teaching your dog obedience is pick a training method that works for both of you and stay consistent with that method to deal with their problems.

4 Common Behavioral Problems That Can Be Helped With Obedience Training

Potty Problems

A dog’s bladder can be a real problem – it may not be their not wanting to go outside to relieve themselves; it may be that they can’t wait or don’t understand the difference between outside and inside.

Dogs don’t have the desire to go potty inside their home. They don’t want to suffer from parasites and disease, which is why they’ll hold their urine in after you’ve left home. Many times the problem with inside pottying is that your dog hasn’t been taught the difference. Or, it could be that your dog isn’t taken out regularly to relieve himself.

While one mess inside the home is fine, you don’t want your dog to become comfortable with the idea. Once that happens, it’ll be hard for you to break them out of the habit and go outdoors. Dogs can’t easily distinguish between inside and outside – so you have to teach them.

A way to handle these bathroom issues is to use crate training as an obedience tool. If this doesn’t work, you can confine your dog to one room and pay attention to when they act like they need to use the restroom. Set up a routine for them to go outside and do their business.

If your canine friend does make a mess inside your home, don’t get mad. Please clean it up and keep trying to train them.

Barking Issues

All dogs will bark, but the problem becomes when they bark and don’t ever stop barking. Any sound or sight leads them to bark. And this can be aggravating to you and your neighbors. It would be best if you got your dog to stop barking now.

That starts by learning why your dog is barking. Is the dog excited about something? Are they being aggressive? Learn why, and then find ways to get them to stop the action.

Read:   How To Train your Dog not to Bark

• This could mean giving them more exercise to release the energy they have built up.

• Be sure you don’t reinforce the behavior by giving them attention, food, or allowing them outside.

• Don’t shout at or be angry with them, as this only causes confusion. Don’t use punishment treatments such as shock collars.

• Train them to be quiet, speak, sit, shake, and lie down. You can divert their attention from what they’re barking at with these commands.

Getting a dog to stop barking is hard, but with the proper training, a little extra attention, and some exercise, it can be done.

Jumping Problems

There’s no doubt that dogs love to jump, especially if they’re excited about something or meeting someone for the first time. Jumping helps them to release some of that pent-up excess energy they have. But, they can also exert dominance over another dog in the home or even over you.

Your dog’s jumping, however, can be dangerous. That is especially true for small children and the elderly if the dog jumping is big. You don’t want your dog to hurt them by knocking them over and breaking a bone.

When trying to get their dog to stop jumping, many people will push them away or tell them to stop. Believe it or not, this reinforces the behavior. After all, they’re getting the attention they want. And again, no yelling because it confuses your dog and may even result in a dangerous circumstance since they won’t know how to handle strangers.

A surefire way to address the dog’s jumping behavior is to ignore it. Turn your back to the dog, walk away, and do your business as you were. Don’t make eye contact, touch, or talk to your dog the first five to 10 minutes after coming home. If you’ve got family, make sure they understand this too.

Some dogs that get early attention may eventually suffer from separation anxiety.

Separation Anxiety

Canines are sociable creatures, and they get worried when you leave home that you won’t return to them. While your dog is anxious, that’s no reason to have them react in a way that leads to destructive behaviors such as digging, chewing, barking, etc. And dogs that suffer from separation anxiety can be challenging to handle.

How can you ensure your dog won’t suffer from separation anxiety? First, you need to determine if your dog is bored or suffering from the condition. A dog that’s not getting enough exercise or attention will act similarly. However, if you notice that your dog’s reactions are in response to your getting ready to leave, this is a sign that he’s suffering from separation anxiety.

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This negative behavior will begin even before you leave the house. To alter their behavior, you need to change your schedule. The less regular the routines are, the harder it’ll be for your canine friend to link those feelings to your leaving. And this means they won’t feel near as anxious when you do go.

To combat your dog’s anxiety complex, leave for short periods, and then increase how long you’re gone. Of course, this isn’t easy to do if you have a regular job. However, it’s a great way to help them overcome it – find a way if you can. When you get home, don’t give your dog immediate attention. Instead, let things settle down and then provide them with the attention they crave.

The key to helping your canine friend overcome separation anxiety is leaving and coming home without making much fuss. Please don’t give him any attention before you go and when you first get home. And, it would be best if you were consistent with this style.

Other Behaviors Your Dog May Display and Need Obedience Training For

While these tend to be the most troubling behaviors your dog can exhibit, there are other behaviors you want to focus on in your dog’s obedience training sessions, including:

• Running Out The Door

• Aggressive Behavior

• Chewing

• Walking

• Whining

• Digging

What Does It All Mean?

When it comes to obedience training, you must establish your dominance over the dog. It would help if you were consistent with everything you do to ensure they understand that you – not them – are the ruler of the house. Remember, your dog is very good in the grand scheme of things regardless of how they act.

Give your dog structure and rules that they need to live by. Doing this can stave off all kinds of negative behaviors your dog could experience. Bear in mind they may not go away overnight! Your dog will learn, even if it’s not right away. He’ll understand that he shouldn’t pee on the living carpet or chew your shoes while you’re gone. Set your boundaries with your canine friend, and things will turn out for the best.

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